Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Selling The Evil Website

Soon this website will point to Sedo.

I am selling The Evil Website, hoping to generate cash. I have it listed for $400 at

If you'd like to stay in touch, look me up on Facebook or LinkedIn.

This blog will still be up at Google:

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Picked up a Honda moped last weekend, and we promptly crashed it.

So I spent this week putting it back together, repairing the body panels, and painting it.

After the part came in, Emily and I spent about seven hours hunched over this little thing, trying to figure out how to put it back together. Of course I didn't take pictures.

But now it's all done! We settled on a coffee-and-cream paint scheme. As far as the mechanicals, we put in a new front fork. Next week the new front wheel and taillights will come in. You can't tell, but the rear taillights are held together with tape and the front wheel is slightly out of true.

Click on the images for a larger picture.

Friday, June 6, 2008


Just an FYI - Firefox is the bomb.

I've been using it for 2 years now as a replacement for Internet Explorer. I highly recommend you do so too.

It runs faster, provides the same Internet experience as Microsoft Internet Explorer, and people have written a bunch of cool plug-ins for it.

Plus, since it's not full of security holes, it's faster. The antivirus programs don't have to spend a few seconds scanning each page, like they do in IE.

Get it and you won't regret it. Click here for all you need to know.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Really awesome little game that creates a racetrack based on your MP3s.

It examines a song and makes a rising/falling/twisting track that you fly down. You collect color blocks and get points.


Color-matching squares on a grid by colliding with (also music-synched) traffic makes Audiosurf feel like an odd combination of Wipeout and Klax. It's more than fun enough, and it gives you a goal to shoot for. Hell, there's even some pride to be earned by becoming the best player in the world (or the only player) at Frank Zappa's "Dinah-Moe-Hum." That isn't to say that this is just another visualizer, though -- not by a long shot -- but the real joy here is in getting a dynamic interactive light show and something to do with your hands while you listen to your favorite records.

Monday, May 5, 2008

3 months on

Wow, I haven't posted for 3 months. I wonder if that's some sort of record.

Some discoveries:

1) I LOVE the new bike. It is so fast and rolls so smooth... When I'd put the hammer down on the old Fuji, it would twist and heave itself foward like the Soul Train. While this was a fine vibe for cruising, at some point you just gotta get there and the Fuji wasn't fast enough. Conversely, the Tricross is MUCH faster to translate pedal effort into forward motion. It just snaps into action. The upgraded shifters are so silent! Instead of the Fuji's clunk and rattle with the Tiagra shifters, the Triross changes gears without any noise at all. Just a push on the lever, and the Ultegra drivetrain just flicks over to the next gear...

2) Winter sucks. From mid-October to late April is 6 months. That's how long we've been cooped up with winter weather. Thus, I have to pick up X-country skiing so I don't go insane like I did this past winter.

3) The GMAT is a tricky mutha. If you're thinking of taking it, you can't study too much - but make sure you study smart. Half the battle is knowing the tricks.

4) The Interweb is getting cluttered. There is no need for half the graphics & ads out there, and planned obsolesence is the result. My PC can do everything I need it to except browse the Web, which used to be the simplest application.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

WarGames strategy list

I always got chills whenever WOPR went through a hundred nuclear scenarios at the end of the movie.

This dude listed them, and he is right: some would make awesome drinking games.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

RIP Sheldon Brown

The bike world lost a big one today.

Sheldon Brown was the spiritual, technical and Internet leader of the cycling world. No contest, no debate. This guy knew everything about everything, and was super humble to boot. His website is a treasure trove of bike info. From beginner articles on clothing & lights to in-depth treatises on Japanese-made 10-speeds of the late 1970s, Sheldon Brown was the man...

To bikes, he was like Carrol Shelby, Lou Manfredini, Tom Silva, Csaba Csere, Massad Ayoob, and Andy Griffith all rolled into one.

Any hobby has extremists, but bike fanatics are true admitted weirdos. He was the only one who could bridge them all.'s obituary

Bicycle Retailer's obituary

Dane 101's obituary.

Saturday, January 26, 2008